The White Gusher is a potent strain introduced by Pink Boots in the 1990s. In my experience as a grower of medicinal herbs and spices, I have always been impressed by the differences between strains, and the potency each one brings to the table when used for medicinal purposes. With this strain I was looking forward to seeing if Pink Boots would really make the same powerful impact with the White Gusher that he has with all his other strains. I've decided to present a review of the White Gusher so all aspiring herb gardeners can determine if it is right for them.
The White Gusher looks like a pink pusher; it has large, round hips and a thick head of long, upright stalks. It has big, fluffy leaves and blooms in the spring. I love the way it grows: the large stalks look almost ready to burst with the flowers just beginning to open. The White Gusher has big bulbs that are perfect for using in your flowerbeds and planters.
Despite its name, this is not a member of the pink runts family. This is a robust, persistent, yet disease resistant plant that can take over your garden in a very short amount of time. I found this strain to be an excellent choice for growing in a sunny spot because it is very drought tolerant; however, the White Gusher will do better in a shade. The White Gusher is the perfect indoor plant because it doesn't tolerate most diseases, although it does quite well in poor soil.
There are three main types of the White Gusher. They are: WLP-1, WLP-2 and CPV-3. The first two don't need much attention except for regular watering, while the third requires full sunlight or partial shade to survive. This is a highly attractive plant with white colored blooms that can compete with any exotic or native plant.
This is another one of the many great plants from the famous Pink Gusher series. It was named after the White Gusher plant that was imported from Asia to England in the early 1900's. In a short period of time, the white flowers of the Pink Gusher became the icon of England and soon other countries, including the United States, began to grow the Pink Gusher in different forms. The Pink Gusher is a reliable hardy plant that produces wonderful flowers, with a large number of the purple blossoms reaching heights of up to fifteen feet. The plant is tolerant of dry soils and needs little care once it is established.
All three main strains of the White Gusher are available. All three have different looks, different coloration and different growing habits. However, the most popular White Gusher strain is the WLP-treated White Gusher, which is known to produce the finest looking pink Runtz carts. This variety is also one of the easiest plants to maintain.
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